Terri Creative Services & Management National Promo Shoot!

On April 30, 2017.......
22 of Terri Creative's newest faces come together for our national promotional video and photoshoot!
The day started out at the Terri Creative's HQ based in Marrickville and ended in-front of some of Sydney's most iconic landmarks in Circular Quay.
We kicked off the day with several photoshoots in our studio, one being on a brick wall backdrop shot by Courtney Young and another on pure white walls to create a monochromatic feel shot by Terri Smith (Director of the agency) In amongst we had Andrew from Fling Fling Tv filming the official Terri Creative Services and Management promotional video reel.
The models were catered for by our good friends at Fat Pigeon - Marrickville who supplied the agency with some of the finest salads, chickens & a refreshing fruit platter which we all returned for seconds for at the end of the day to polish the rest off! I guess this explains how good the food was!
We continued our journey into Circular Quay Sydney, escorted by a luxurious private bus supplied by Travel Safe Bus Hire .
The models set out for the official promotional walk along the Quay, stopping to shoot some breath taking footage and images in-front of the Harbour Bridge and The Sydney Opera House. It was the 'Peak' hour of the day so there were a lot of bystanders at this stage who would stop and question 'who are they' 'what is this for' which was the exact response we wanted from the crowd! Random overseas tourist stoped to request images with the Mod Squad and the general consensus was just amazing!
Overall we captured some beautiful images and footage of the models. Every element of the day just worked! The models and crew had an amazing day getting to know each other, shooting successful images for their profiles and we definitely looked the part as we made noise in the heart of Sydney!
Thank you to the crew and models for such a fantastic day!
All images shot by Courtney Young.